Monday, August 04, 2008

Whoeetees the distarbaaans?

Karthik walked past the row of cars - he was able to see water vapor emanating from the lawns. The sun was so bright that he was not even able to look up from the ground in spite of the new Ray Ban coolers he was wearing (about which he talks at all possible and unnecessary situations, such as this). Sweat was pouring down his forehead, which was not much - indicative of his little or no intelligence. He opened the door to his Toyota Corolla and was welcomed by an oven like 'ambience'. The car thermometer displayed the outside temperature to be 91 and the inside temperature to be 105. Karthik switched on his AC on full blast and was greeted by hot air even from it. Just to be sure, he went to on this (about which he talks at all possible and unnecessary situations, such as this). It said it felt like 97 degrees, even though the temp was 91, in the zipcode 33613. While driving past Fletcher Ave to Firestone to do his oil change, he saw a biker with a blown tyre on the side walk, trying to hitch a hike on a car on which she could carry her bike too. Even the usual yo mamas who ride this, which is built for makkal who are one fifth their age were conspicuous by their absence. No shirtless Ola Comistos even....

This is not one more of my attempt at a short story. It was the real deal yesterday in Tampa. No rains - very surprsing for August and bloody H-O-T. The day was a total blaaah. Its days like this that make me wonder if there was a divine design behind me coming to Tampa from Madras and the fact that I pretty much want to hibernate as soon as the temperature touches 77 - 80 Degrees. I now have a roomie which means I can no longer try to deep freeze my apartment to 60 and bury myself in my couch with something to read or see. When will I go to a place where there is little or no sunshine? I prefer the late summer weather in England (I've never been to Europe) where there is some intermittent rain and then a brief spell of sun - which is not anywhere near the scalding thing in FL. I'd like to live in a place like this or this.

To all of you thinking what connection the title and the blogpost have and whether I'm going cuckoo - yes - the Sun is doing this to me and no it is not Sun TV.


Rukmani said...

The last 2 pics are good. Are they yours?

And oh- over peela about your possessions- but the corolla balances it out :D

Unknown said...

Could understand the heat effect...